Mar 19
Bid ended

C02GHA24 Repairs and Renovations to 1108 Cotton Street (REBID) #15111

City of Greenwood, MS (T-NR-E)
Date Company Contact Bid Categories
3/11/24 5:23 pm
AIA Builders LLC 701 Bowie Lane
Greenwood, MS 38930
Alonzo Evans
Tel: 662-299-2510
Fax: 662-6445003
General Contractor
2/22/24 2:44 pm
Construct Connect 3825 Edwards Rd
Suite 800
Cincinatti, OH 45209
Rye Jumuad
Tel: 323-602-5079
Fax: 866-570-8187
Plan Room
2/20/24 3:45 am
Dodge Data & Analytics 2860 S State Hwy 161
Ste 160 #501
Grand Prairie, TX 75052
Jayalakshmi L
Tel: 413-376-7032
Plan Room
2/15/24 3:03 pm
Mills & Mills Architects, PC 607 West Main Street
Suite A
Tupelo, MS 38804
William Mills
Tel: 662-822-0292
2/15/24 3:03 pm
Plan House - Tupelo Office 605 West Main Street
Tupelo, MS 38804
Stephen Tutor
Tel: 662-407-0193
Fax: 662-844-2034
2/15/24 3:03 pm
Statewide Plan Room 605 West Main Street
Tupelo, MS 38804
Statewide Plan Room
Tel: 662-407-0193
2/21/24 2:29 pm
Timbo's Construction Inc. 3853 Hwy. 61 N
Cleveland, MS 38732
Faith Moore
Project Manager
Tel: 662-843-4740
Fax: 888-629-2975
General Contractor